Create png file using OpenMaya.MImage()

import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya

def main():
    m_color = ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 )
    m_color = float4Torgba(m_color)    

def generateTexture(m_path,m_fileName,m_color):
        m_util = OpenMaya.MScriptUtil
        m_height = 16
        m_width = 16
        m_depth = 4
        m_image = OpenMaya.MImage()
        m_image.create(m_height, m_width, m_depth )
        m_pixels = m_image.pixels()
        m_arrayLen = m_width * m_height * m_depth
        for i in range(0, m_arrayLen, m_depth):
            m_util.setUcharArray(m_pixels, i+0, m_color[0])    
            m_util.setUcharArray(m_pixels, i+1, m_color[1])
            m_util.setUcharArray(m_pixels, i+2, m_color[2])
            m_util.setUcharArray(m_pixels, i+3, 0)
        m_image.setPixels(m_pixels, m_height, m_width)        
        m_image.writeToFile( "{}/{}.png".format(m_path,m_fileName), '.png' )
        OpenMaya.MGlobal.displayWarning("Can't save file to {}/{}.png".format(m_path,m_fileName))
        return False
        return True
def float4Torgba((m_r,m_g,m_b,m_a)):
    m_red   = int(m_r * 255.0)
    m_green = int(m_g * 255.0)
    m_blue  = int(m_b * 255.0)
    m_alpha = int(m_a * 255.0)
    return (m_red, m_green, m_blue, m_alpha)


Attach Polygons Tool for Maya like in 3ds Max

The same like in 3dsmax. Attach polygons via Maya Python Api and Maya cmds to existing mesh.
Not combine, no cheating. Also with skinning support.
Limitation : very slow.
Download :

Just unzip the script into C:/maya_scripts/modeling and make a Python shelf button in Maya with this code:

import sys
import maya.cmds as cmds 
path = 'C:/maya_scripts/modeling'
if path not in sys.path:
import attachObjects; attachObjects.main();

Houdini: Toggle Views

My first Houdini Python Script. This script toggles Camera from PERSP view to SIDE view and back ( depends of camera vector ). You just need to make a Python shelf. Create new Python Tool and link my script.
Something like:

import view3d_toggle_views

Download : Toggle Views

get MDagPath() from MObject()

Quick example

import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya

m_obj       = OpenMaya.MObject() # should get from any code above
m_dagPath   = OpenMaya.MDagPath()
if m_obj.hasFn( OpenMaya.MFn.kDagNode ):
    OpenMaya.MDagPath.getAPathTo( m_obj, m_dagPath )
    print( m_dagPath.fullPathName() )

Traversing whole scene file Maya Python API

Quick example

import maya.OpenMaya as OpenMaya

m_iterator = OpenMaya.MItDag( OpenMaya.MItDag.kDepthFirst )
while not m_iterator.isDone():
	m_obj   = m_iterator.currentItem()
	m_objFn = OpenMaya.MFnDagNode( m_obj )
	#if ( OpenMaya.MFn.kMesh == m_obj.apiType() ):
	print( m_objFn.fullPathName() )